


  • 价格: ¥545
  • 编号:P-677S
  • 货   期:一周
  • CAS号:56073-10-0
  • 品   牌:中国
  • 1mL, 100μg/mLinMethanol
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Catalog No: P-677S

Description: Brodifacoum

Solvent: Methanol

Hazards: Refer to SDS for complete safety information

Sample Size: 1 mL

Components: 1

Storage Condition: Ambient (>5℃)

Certified Reference Material

A product with a suffx (-1A, -2B, etc. or -01, -02, etc) on its lot number has had its expiration date extended and is identical to the same lot number without the suffx.

2 All weights are traceable through NIST, Test No.822-275872-11

1 Certified Analyte Concentration = Purity X Prepared Concentration.

The Uncertainty associated with the crified concentration reported on this crtficate is ±2.4℃. This value is the combined expanded uncertainty and represents an estimated standard deviation equal to the
positive square root of the total variation of the uncertaity of components. A normal dstribution is assumed and a coverage factor of K=2 is chosen using approximately a 95% confidence level.

Labels and criticates floo U.S. Conventions in reporting numerical values: A comma (,) is used to separate unis of one-thousand or grealer. A period (.) is used asa decimal place marker.

The informatin on this certificate may not be reproduced without the express pemission of the manufacturer. See reverse side for aditional information

1. Quality Standards:
ISO 17034 - General Requirements for the Competence of Reference Material Producers ANAB Certificate Number AR-1463

ISO/IEC 17025 - General Requirements for the Competence of Testing And Calibration Laboratories ANAB Certificate Number AT-1339

ISO 9001:2015一Quality Management System - Requirements Eagle Registrations Certificate Number 3774

2. Intended Use: The product covered by this certificate is designed for calibration or for use in quality control procedures for the specified chemical compounds listed on the reverse side. This product can be used for quantification and/or identification. This product can also be used as a reference material to validate analytical procedures, subject to the conditions under Section 7.

3. Manufacturing: All balances are calibrated daily using an in-house procedure with weights that are compared annuallyto master weights and traceable to NIST. The balances are also calibrated annually by an ISO/IEC 17025 accreditedcalibration laboratory. Please refer to the NIST test number listed on the front of this certificate. Class A glasswareis used in the manufacture and quality control of all standards and calibrated using an in-house procedure. Good Laboratory Practices have been used throughout the preparation of this Standard.

4. Homogeneity: This product is sufficiently homogeneous and any sample size would be within the uncertainty budget.

5. Stability: The manufacturer guarantees the stability of this solution through the expiration date stated on the label,when handled and stored according to the conditions stated on the label.

6. Uncertainty: The uncertainty values as stated on the face of this certificate have been determined using the EURACHEM/CITAC Guide. We report a combined expanded uncertainty equal to the positive square root of the totalvariance of the uncertainty of the components using the following formula: ua=√[(u(V))2+ (u(m))2+ (u(Ⅳ))2+(u(RO))2Thisformula represents uncertainty components from the mass, volume, short-term stability, long-term stability andhomogeneity factors associated with the production of this product. The expanded uncertainty, assumes a normaldistribution and a coverage factor of k= =2 is chosen using approximately a 95% confidence level.

7. Legal Notice and Limit of Liability: This product is for routine laboratory analysis and research purposes only. Thecompany's liability will be limited to replacement of product or refund of purchase price. Notice of claims must be madewithin thirty (30) days from date of delivery.


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